About Us

The internet can be a big and scary place.

With everyone so connected, you can feel smaller than ever in this big world of ours. We know how you feel - there are millions of hosting companies out there, and we're just one of them. The pressure's on us to prove to you that we're different to all the rest, and that our hosting will change your life.

Pressure, schmessure.

Believe it or not, we're hawking the exact same goods as all the uber-corporate boys with the microphone headsets; it's just that they say things like 'DNS', 'CPanel', and 'WYSIWIG' (which would never make it into the Oxford English Dictionary), whereas we like to break down the jargon and use words like 'cheap', 'simple', and 'choice'.

A short journey through translated jargon.


SimplyHost is a feature-rich, simple, yet cost-benefitting hosting solution.


We lease to you an online storage space, where you can keep your shiny new website. Our rent is cheap, and we throw you some extra tools to help improve your space.


We have been selling Domain Names, and hosting websites, for a number of small businesses since 2007.


Young businesses, in start-up and beyond, have been relying on us for their web address and their online space for 5 years now.


We have broken down our hosting packages into four easy, needs-based solutions, tailored for you.


You can choose the size of the virtual space you rent from us; you can base that decision on what you need, and pay accordingly.

Put simply, we understand the needs of the little guy.

SimplyHost came about because we were designing great websites for our customers, and we needed a company that could host the sites we were working on - one that would be reliable, wouldn't break down, and that would offer great customer support, and watertight security. These days, we provide all those things, and all for bargain prices.

If there's any questions we can answer for you, or you're looking for information that you can't see here, by all means get in touch, and we'll be glad to help out.


The SimplyHost Team.

© Simplyhost 2011